in the news this april

Say goodbye to the office
Ambition once came with a promise: a home, a salary, progress and fulfilment. What happens when that promise is broken? Read Leila Latifs’ article exploring why millennials are quitting the rat race.
Or check out the dumpster fire inspired by this story in our catharsis collection.
AI impact on jobs
Get a taste of Ethan Mollicks’ book Co-Intelligence, Living and Working with AI, in this extract published on Fast Company.
While Ethan points out that AI can help us with many tasks, we’re not sure it will ever get us out of meetings.

former WeWork co-founder bids to buy it back
Adam Neumann attempts to return to the WeWork fray with a bid in excess of half a billon dollars.
Say what you like about Adam, but for good or bad he introduced a generation to hustle culture.
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